"My great mistake, the fault for which I can't forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality." - Oscar Wilde
Warning! – Plagiarism is a Crime!! |
Plagiarism is the unauthorised use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Thus, plagiarised or ‘stolen’ movies, books, research papers, songs, products etc. are considered illegal, unoriginal and fake and different countries have their different punishments for the people who plagiarise. Likewise aping and copying others – under peer pressure, owing to a craze for a film star, to fit into a particular group – and shunning one’s own individuality and thinking is ‘identity plagiarism’ which is considered an offence in the eyes of our Maker. Such plagiarists are punished in the form of being discontent, dissatisfied and unhappy with their lives. So when aping others has such sad consequences, why indulge in it and make our lives miserable?
"Follow the crowd and you will never be followed by a crowd." – Anonymous
Moreover the unique and the original is always praised and upheld – the Mona Lisa painting, the Sherlock Holmes series, the Taj Mahal, the Mozart music piece etc. similarly, only people with their unique personality and traits become trademarks and memorable identities like Mahatma Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, etc.
"A happy life is one which is in accordance with its own nature." – Seneca
The people who like to go with the flow or move with the flock remain as ‘nobodies’ and cannot achieve anything substantial in life. For example, youngsters who get into peer pressure to suppress their identities and values either end up ruining their relationships with parents, well- wishers, true friends etc. or indulge in various immoral acts – drugs, alcohol, casual sex etc. – or both; which they regret later and are finally rewarded with depression, isolation, lack of self- confidence, lack of self- respect and to top it all lack of happiness. So why ape others for some futile momentary pleasures putting at stake meaningful and long lasting ones?
"The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases." – Carl Jung
Every product has its unique bar code, every credit card its unique pin number, every student/ employee his unique Identity Number, everybody has a different face and finger prints, similarly everyone possesses his/her own unique individuality – own values, thoughts, perceptions, ideas, approach and priorities. So why defy our natural human self and become a mere artificial living creature by pointlessly imitating others?
"Pin your faith to no one’s sleeves, haven't you two eyes of your own." - Thomas Carlyle
Just as there is no short cut to success, similarly no good things come easy. Hence, to enjoy the precious fruits of retaining one’s unique/original self one has to be patient, tolerant and forbearing and most importantly one has to nurture and enhance one’s original values and thoughts with steadfast belief in them.
"Resistance to the organized mass can be effected only by the man who is as well organized in his individuality as the mass itself." – Carl Jung.